The 'Shelby Series' - Only On Roku!

Shelby Music Maker Studio

Unleash your creative side! Have a blast creating your own music - while learning something too! Choose from many different instruments... pianos, guitars, brass, drums... and TONS more! Play back your creations at different tempos, save them to the cloud - even share your musical creations with friends... and the world! The BEST way to learn on your big screen - and tap into your creative self!

Shelby USB Media Player

Got a USB port on your Roku or Roku TV?! Use it to enjoy your thumb drive photos, videos, and music! Photo/video 'slideshow' your own media! Watch all of your homemade USB videos! TONS of options - display (or don't!) the date, time, filenames, media timer, and MUCH more! Even play your USB music WHILE your are viewing your USB photos in a slideshow! Showcase your big screen as the ultimate local media jukebox!

Shelby Streamcast Radio

Top 100, oldies, classical, symphony, blues, rock, rap, metal, reggae, hip-hop, R&B, piano, country, pop, techno, news, global top hits, Christmas/holiday, instrumentals, ambient, video game music, movie soundtracks, and more! Slideshow your USB photos while listening! Make your Roku the ULTIMATE streaming jukebox - search for Shelby Streamcast Radio from your Roku today!

Shelby Photo ScreenSaver

Use your USB photos as your Roku's screensaver! Both a 'channel' AND a 'screensaver' - search for Shelby Photo ScreenSaver from your Roku today!